Nowadays, Python has become the most popular Programming Language and is used intensively by most of the developers. It was created by Guido Van Rossum in 1991 and since then it is a widely used language along with C, C++, Java, etc.
Why Artificial Intelligence with Python?
Also, nowadays, many software firms are using Python for grabbing different AI Opportunities. Since we discussed that Python is the most popular programming language, we will further discuss how we are going to club Python and AI. Python has taken a big lead in the field of Artificial Intelligence. It is the only programming language that has the least set of codes. It is the simplest among all other Object-Oriented Programming Languages. It provides many inbuilt libraries to make the tasks much easier and automated for the developer. The Libraries such as NumPy, Matplotlib, Scipy, Pybrain, Keras, etc are can be directly called in Python for carrying out complex scientific computations, advanced computing, and implementation in Machine Learning.
There are different forums of Python Developers across the globe where they provide the solution to common problems and interact with different coders to help them in their task. There is no such large assistance forum for any other language.
Python Language is platform independent and the same set of code can be run on different compilers or systems with minimal or change.
What makes Python a simple and convenient Language?
The availability of different libraries on Python provides a ground for starting Artificial Intelligence Projects on it conveniently.
- NumPy in Python is used to store multidimensional arrays, carry out Fourier’s Transformation, Integrating C/C++ with Python Code, Random Number Capabilities, and other Functions.
- Pandas, on the other hand, is an open-source Python-based Library that provides easily usable Data Structures and Data Analytics to the user.
- Matplotlib is an inbuilt library in Python used to plot high-quality 2-D Graphs. It can be used to up to six GUI Toolkits, Scripts, and Web App Server.
Some Libraries in Python for General Artificial Intelligence
Simple AI — It is a tried and tested Python Library used to make various AI Algorithms easy to use for the user.
AIMA — Helps in Implementation of Data Algorithms from Russell and Norvig’s Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (AIMA).
Easy AI — Easy AI is a basic Python Engine used to execute simple two-player games with the use of Artificial Intelligence.
Py Datalog — It adds an example of Logic Programming to Python’s Compiler. It helps execute complex Data Algorithms.
Machine Learning:
Sklearn — It is an open-source & general-purpose library that provides a ground for convenient Data Analysis in Machine Learning using Python.
PyBrain — It provides a variety of inbuilt features for distinguishing Algorithms for the execution of Machine Learning Tasks.
PyML — It is oriented towards kernel methods for classification and regression and on Support Vector Machines(SVMs). It is available for Linux and Mac Operating Systems.
MDP Toolkit — It is another framework like PyML and is used to process complex network architectures.
Natural Language and Text Processing:
Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) — It is a library for executing Python Codes that works with Linguistic Data for implementing in the statistical Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Python vs other Languages for Artificial Intelligence:
Python vs C++
- Python is more used by developers for AI then C++ as it is much easier to learn and use. Also, it has various inbuilt libraries for carrying out various AI tasks in an automated way.
- Python is a dynamic language that makes it much easier to solve complex tasks with much fewer codes as compared to C++ which is a static language.
- Python is much more user-friendly than C++, especially for new developers. C++ being a low-level language requires much practice and skills to master.
- Python has a simple syntax for codes and no such predefined boilerplates like we use to see in C++ or other languages.
Basics of Artificial Intelligence
According to John McCarthy, the father of AI, it is the science and engineering of creating intelligent machines, especially computer programs. Artificial Intelligence is a technique which is used to train the computer systems, robots, or software in such a way that it matches with human intelligence and starts thinking in the way we humans think. It is stimulated by the study of learning tendencies of humans and how they make decisions and then feeding the results to the computer software or robots to make it intelligent.
Need of Artificial Intelligence
- AI learns from past experiences: In our daily lives, we deal with a huge amount of data and being a human, we can’t keep a record of all those data in our memory. That’s why things need to be automated. This can be done by learning Artificial Intelligence as it can learn from previous data we made use of and do the repetitive tasks with ease.
- Real Time Response : AI with the help of ANN (Artificial Neural Network), scrutinizes the data more precisely and thus, as per the requirements, responds in real time.
- Accuracy: These days, most of the developers are making use of Artificial Intelligence. Unlike Human Intelligence, computers do not make repetitive mistakes and keep on learning from the past fed data. It is due to Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare that we can diagnose Cancer in Patients from their MRI reports which ensures its level of accuracy.
Different Branches of Artificial Intelligence:
Machine Learning:
We frequently see the term Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning together. An essential part of learning Artificial Intelligence is to learn Machine Learning. The core concept behind this is to make the Machines learn from previous Data (or saved data) just like we humans learn from our experience. It also makes the machine able to make predictions based on records for unknown data.
It is yet another aspect of AI where mathematical logic is used to execute a task.
Artificial Neural Network (ANN):
ANN is another aspect of AI, the core concept of which is stimulated from the analogy of the neural network we see in Biology. It has its application in Robotics, Voice Recognition, Voice Processing, etc. These days, many software are being developed based on neural network projects.
Some Implementation of Artificial Intelligence:
Gaming: It has a wide implementation in the games like Tic Tac Toe, Chess, Ludo, etc where machines can expect a large number of possibilities of making a move based on past knowledge.
- Natural Language Processing(NLP):
It is a feature that makes the machine able to read the text based on its linguistic capability stimulated by the Human Intelligence of understanding languages.
- Vision Systems:
First of all, we should know What is Computer Vision? It is a system which recognizes and executes visual inputs fed into the system.
For example, a drone is used to capture the snap of an area. Face Detection System used by Forensic Department, etc
- Speech Recognition: AI-enabled systems can recognize the voice fed as input and convert it to text or other required formats.
- Handwriting Recognition: This feature of AI helps a system to convert the text written in the paper (in Handwriting) into editable text.
- Robotics: Robots can perform the tasks given by humans with the use of AI. They are assembled with sensors which help to detect physical data fed into it so that it can execute it accordingly.
Where to learn Artificial Intelligence?
There are plenty of courses available both on online and offline markets for Artificial Intelligence. Some are paid AI online Courses which provide Certificates on completion of the course and some are the free ones for those who just want to learn AI. Great Learning offers some of the best Artificial Intelligence Courses from the best instructors across the Globe. They also offer free courses on AI, ML, Data Science. Some courses are designed in which Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Course are clubbed together. As ML is an application of AI, it is easier to learn both these concepts simultaneously.
Artificial Intelligence, as mentioned, has become an essential part of technology and is primarily oriented towards making the tasks much easier for human beings by training the machine just like human brains. All its applications and necessities are mentioned in detail above. These days, there are a lot of careers in Artificial Intelligence such as Data Scientist, Data Analyst, etc. Data Science is a good example of Artificial Intelligence itself.
We have also discussed in detail how Python and AI are related and why most of the developers make use of Python as a programming language while working on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The details of Artificial Intelligence Certification online are also discussed in detail. So, it is a kind appeal to appeal to all the readers to have a look at this content over Python and Artificial Intelligence and brush up your idea related to Artificial Intelligence.